
Virtualization and Automation Engineer in a Naval Research Facility

Pursueing a Career in Enterprise Network Engineering and Security.
CompTIA Securty+ Certified

Experience and Skills

  • IAM platforms and protocols including Sailpoint, ForgeRock, Active Directories, LDAP, OAUTH
  • Physical and Virtual Network deployment and grooming, including Software-Defined Networks
  • Python, C, Java, HTML, and more
  • System and Network hardening and scanning
  • Bash and Powershell Automation
  • VMware vSphere deployment, maintenance, and automation


Guitar Scale and Triad Calculator

Simple web app built on the Python Flask library and packaged as a Docker image to easily deploy locally or via a cloud service. Used to calculate Scale degrees along guitar neck and show overlap of triad. Helpful to guitarists learning to solo and hit targeted notes.

GTD Data Analysis

Data Analysis project conducted on the Global Terrorism Database with Python Notebooks and Pandas